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Telehealth – Set Up

We can help your medical practice set up for Telehealth Consultations.

Providing HealthCare remotely with Telehealth helps provide protection for patients and health care providers, to help reduce the risk of community transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). The Australian Medical Association also promotes the value and cost effectiveness of Telehealth as a functional component of quality General Practice.


Telehealth Set Up

The code of conduct for a health profession is a key component of each National Board’s regulatory framework, desiged to protect the public and support the Health Practitioner. Telehealth does not replace face-to-face appointments, but supports them, so it is most suited for follow-up or review appointments. Telehealth set up meets the Australian Telehealth Standards, including: Patient Engagement, Video Conferencing, Digital Forms and Taking Payments Online.

Of course, there is a downside. There is a risk of fragmentation of care, sitting alongside a lack of comprehensive care. However, the downside can easily be averted, with good systems and processes using Telehealth.

The cost to your patient?

  • If dialing in from home Telehealth will use some of your patients’ download internet capacity.
  • The cost of a patient attending a Telehealth Appointment is currently supported by Medicare in Australia.


Done for you – Telehealth Consultancy

There are many Telehealth PDF booklets available to help you. Most around 15-30 pages, or just Call Us; and we’ll do it all for you. Now what exactly does “do it all for you” involve? That depends entirely on your situation, and factors such as: size of the practice, number of GP’s, Specialists on site, serviceable region, and others. Call Us Now to Get Started.

The provision of on-demand Telehealth services could provide GP’s with more flexibility, as Telehealth requires less time and fewer resources. Clients in rural and remote areas could access Telehealth services without having to travel long distances.

Contact The Experts; Get in Touch Now.